"Neoole" explores a new path for the sustainable development of global outlets industry
Release time:2021/02/

Reform and innovation is the fundamental driving force to promote the development of human society. Facing the historic intersection of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, Outlets group, as a leading enterprise in the new economy, and Mr. Lin Zhuoyan, honorary chairman of the World Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Asia Pacific chairman of the Global Outlets Alliance, stand at the forefront of global business development and scientific and technological innovation and creatively put forward the concept of "Neoole".


"Neoole" is a new business model of traditional outlets in the new era of internet consumption, represented by knowledge economy, consumer economy and digital economy, relying on advanced technical means such as big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and Internet of things, and with the help of its unique business model, industrial operation concept, online and offline same frequency resonance and integrated development, It includes the Neoole business model formed by the comprehensive innovation and upgrading of design, production, products, exhibition and marketing, logistics, operation and services, and the organic integration of relevant industries. From the upgrading and iteration of business operation mode to the enabling innovation of industrial integration, "Neoole" has produced a major change in a new way of life, which is of epoch-making historical significance.


Traditional outlets are facing severe challenges and urgently need a new business model to solve the industry's difficulties.


In recent years, the rise and vigorous development of e-commerce has triggered a new round of industrial reform. The deep penetration and integration of the internet and the real industry has subverted and reconstructed the traditional form and development model of the real industry, and promoted the real retail industry to enter the era of "new retail". At the same time, the rise of a large number of traditional outlets has triggered fierce homogeneous competition, resulting in a chaotic situation of imbalance between supply and demand, rising prices and false images, which has seriously damaged the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, brought many negative effects to famous brands, and also brought a fatal blow to the operation and development of outlets industry, The sustainable development of outlets industry is facing great and severe challenges. At this time, there is an urgent need for a new business model to solve the problems faced by the industry. Neoole continues to improve and innovate on the original unique business model, create a more complete new ecosystem of the whole industry chain, and finally form an ecosystem community of integration, sharing and innovation, so as to meet consumers' increasing consumption demand for high quality, heterogeneity and experience, as well as the sustainable operation and development needs of operators at all ends of the industry.


"New ole" reshapes the "Pan outlets" industrial system and promotes industrial integration and innovation.


From the single commercial format of traditional outlets to the great integration of modern service industries formed by "Neoole", it is the innovative thinking of "Neoole". "Neoole" connects all links, ports and subjects of the industrial ecosystem through advanced scientific and technological means such as digitization. While building its own unique coordinated development of the whole industrial chain, it comprehensively considers the current situation of urban industry, economic strength, national and cultural characteristics, effectively matches and integrates with relevant industries, and finally forms a huge and diversified innovative industrial structure. Nowadays, in the process of constructing the omni-channel ecological development pattern of the retail industry, the "Neoole" development mechanism characterized by openness, three-dimensional, cross-border, diversity, cooperation and sharing is reshaping the brand-new "Pan outlets" industrial system; The "Neoole" development model, represented by innovative economy and industrial integration, is promoting industrial integration, enabling innovation and promoting the upgrading and development of a series of related industries.


"Neoole" has changed people's traditional thinking and brought significant changes to the way of life.


In the process of its own development, "Neoole" skillfully grafts and interacts various new business models and operation modes through advanced scientific and technological means. Its open, cooperative, intelligent, shared and more diverse consumption culture is forming, and gradually penetrates into all links of production, circulation and consumption, changing people's traditional thinking behavior and lifestyle. Under the "Neoole" mode, a new high-quality living community and a new city of fashion trend will be formed. The "Neoole" development model enabled by digital technology can also quickly open up the docking channel between industry, finance and consumption between villages and towns, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, improve the living standards of urban people, and promote the transformation and upgrading of urban and rural diversified industrial structure. The new lifestyle led by "Neoole" will have a significant impact on the political and economic form of the world. The "Neoole" model is an important change in the leapfrog development of consumers' lifestyle in the new economic era, and provides a new perspective for people to understand and transform the new lifestyle.


The concept of "Neoole" was put forward soon and has been praised by many well-known economists at home and abroad.


The concept of "Neoole" was put forward soon and has been praised by many well-known economists at home and abroad. Some experts said that "Neoole" is the product of the times under the transformation and upgrading of traditional outlets' demand and the strong pull of emerging demand. It is also an important starting point to seize the opportunity of new Internet consumption and the rapid development of science and technology in the new era, effectively stimulate the potential consumer demand of a large number of consumers and promote the development and prosperity of global luxury service trade, Thus, it has become another important strategic turning point for traditional commerce to realize comprehensive innovation and rapid development. Some experts also believe that the formation of the new model of "Neoole" has explored a new path for the sustainable development of global outlets industry, become an important force to subvert and reconstruct outlets, especially the traditional business operation model, and also an important engine to lead new consumption and drive the new economy.


Development prospect of "Neoole".


In the future, Mr. Lin Zhuoyan's "Neoole" concept will innovate and develop towards the business concept of "Pan outlets". Through the household known "outlets" unique business model, it will actively forge ahead, continuously improve and innovate, and make full use of its international brand effect and the influence desired by consumers, grafting its highly competitive business model to all walks of life, through the deep integration of multi-dimensional interaction and superposition effects, to maximize the interests of consumers, operators and brands.


Relying on the leading position of China's e-commerce technology and e-commerce application in the world, the huge market share foundation of cross-border e-commerce, the huge consumer population and other interest advantages of developing countries, and with the help of its rich experience accumulated in outlets industry for a long time, Neoole takes the lead in development through the Chinese market, takes business flow as the core and innovation as the guide With technology as the engine and capital as the support, strive to build a multi industry collaborative innovation platform, promote the open sharing of multilateral cooperation of commercial resources, broaden more industrial cooperation channels, and actively promote the great development of the global new outlets industry.


As the most competitive new business model in the new economic era and the most representative industry leader in the whole business field, "Neoole" business model is not only outlets' luxury franchise in the traditional sense, but also outlets' online and offline innovation iteration. It will continue to integrate new retail, new finance, new manufacturing, new energy The new sharing and digitization modes have brought a new new economic scene to the society and created a new, modern and high-quality new way of life for people all over the world. With the continuous innovation, promotion, development and growth of the "Neoole" ecosystem, its unique surging vitality will bring unlimited opportunities for the new industry of global outlets, especially the international cooperation and development of brands, and contribute real Chinese strength to the innovative development of the global fashion industry and the innovative development of the new world economy.


"Neoole" is an innovative definition of "The Stage of World Fashion and New Life" !


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