Outlets group joins hands with leading enterprises in China's construction industry to seek a win-win situation
Release time:2021/07/15Source:NEOOLE HOLDINGS
Recently, Lin Zhuoyan, honorary chairman of the World Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and chairman of the Asia Pacific region of the Global Outlets Alliance, Liu Xianglong, chairman of Outlets Group Holdings Co., Ltd., president of Outlets Group (Asia) Co., Ltd. in China and chairman of Neoole Holdings Co., Ltd., and his team met with China Communications Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Communications Construction) Zhou Jingbo, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee and vice president. The two sides held an exchange and Discussion on actively promoting Neoole project in Changshu and major infrastructure construction investment.

Zhou Jingbo welcomed chairman Lin Zhuoyan and his delegation and introduced the development of China Communications Construction. He said that as the world's leading comprehensive service provider of super large infrastructure, CCCC focuses on large transportation and cities, has obvious advantages in business fields such as transportation infrastructure, urban renewal, watershed management and rail transit, and has the ability to implement the integration of investment, construction and operation in the fields of Urban Intelligent lighting and landscape lighting. Changshu, Jiangsu Province is an important area where CCCC continues to cultivate deeply. Through its own advantages, it strives to help Changshu promote the construction of beautiful Changshu at a high level at a new starting point and build a county-level benchmark city for national modernization. At present, with the participation of outlets group, we can make use of the unique advantages of outlets group in the field of new consumption, digital Neoole and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries to actively contribute to the optimization and upgrading of Changshu's economic structure, the overall improvement of urban development level and the construction of an innovative city.

Moreover, Zhou Jingbo also said that Outlets group, as a comprehensive investment operator of modern new service industry, has extensive cooperation space with CCCC in the fields of "transportation, urban renewal, real estate, industrial park, regional comprehensive development and operation and river basin governance". He hoped that the two sides would strengthen communication and docking, enhance understanding to reach a consensus, deepen strategic cooperation, promote win-win results and achieve common development by implementing an investment model that meets the needs of both sides.

Chairman Lin Zhuoyan said that as the most representative company in China's construction industry, CCCC group is the first super large state-owned infrastructure enterprise in China to realize overall listing abroad. Its business footprint covers more than 100 countries and regions in the world and has created many "best" projects in the world. It is the glory of all our investment alliances to stand side by side with such an excellent group.
Liu Xianglong, chairman of Outlets Group Holding Co., Ltd., president of Outlets Group (Asia) Co., Ltd. in China and chairman of Neoole Holding Co., Ltd., said that Changshu is an excellent tourist city in China and has many unique advantages in new consumption development. If the new ole project is settled in Changshu, it will bring infinite vitality to local economic development, Inject new vitality into the local innovative industrial model and open up a new life model for the local people. Next, we hope to discuss the cooperation mode with CCCC, carry out in-depth cooperation in many fields in Changshu and even across the country, and jointly achieve high-quality development.

Relevant principals of CCCC real estate, CCCC investment, CCCC dredging, CCCC ecology and relevant departments of the company attended the meeting.
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